2 Class Assignment & Homework


 September 12, 2022


  • FREEWRITING"Drinking alcohol as a social tradition"

   Nowadays many people drink alcohol independently the age that they have. In Spain we are legal at 18 years old, so we can buy and drink all the alcohol that we want, and I think that they need to moderate in parties the consummation of alcohol, because we can see a lot of young people feel very bad because of this. 

  • LISTING"Working conditions in the Victorian Era"

   - Hard work                    - Lot of work                    - Bad smell, due to that people don't got a shower  

   - Bad conditions             - Uniforms                            every day

   - Low salaries                - Society pyramid

   - Bad health                   - Bad smell

  • CLUSTERING"Being a fashion victim" 

  • ASKING QUESTIONS"Slow food craze"

   - Who was the creator?

   - What it is the slow food craze?

   - Where it takes places

   - When it was created?

   - Why people do this?

   - How can we change this?

  • CUBING:  "Horror films"

   - Describing: Horror films are a genre of film that is meant to scare, shock and also repulse audiences. 

   - Comparing: Horror films are similar to mystery films.

   - Associating: When I think about horror films it comes to my mind a very cloudy night that they aren't any noise and also all the light are turn off. 

   - Applying: Horror films are a very funny genre to see with friends because you can scare people and moreover you can laugh when they scream. 

   - Arguing: I'm not a fan of horror films, as I don't like this type due to I have a hard time when I see them. So I prefer the romantic or also the mystery genre of films.  

September 14, 2022

     UNIT 2: The Structure of a Paragraph

    • Understanding a paragraph
        a) Switzerland. 
        b) Interesting facts about Switzerland.
        c) The language, the food, the mountains, the spots that you can practice and the countries that borders it. 
      • Paragraph organisation
           Letter "B" is a paragraph due to they describe the literature through the hole paragraph. And it start and finish talking about the same information. 

      • The topic and the main idea 
          a) 3. I admire my friend Ken because he doesn't give up.  
          b) 2. There are many popular sports in my country, but the most popular sport is football. 

          a) Topic: A favourite place to relax. 
          If you could choose a place to stay forever where would it be?
          b) Topic: A grandparent. 
          Do you remember the anecdotes that your grandparent tell to you when you go to their house?
          c) Topic: A pet I have known. 
          What is a pet you know? I'll go first: my brother. 
          d) Topic: A favourite food to eat. 

        September 19, 2022

           Organising Paragraphs

          • Paragraph structure
              a) A textual unit made up of sentences that talk about a single idea/ topic. 
              b) Depend of the kind of text, but at least 5 or 6 lines. 
              c) Yes, normally they follow a structure and in the first paragraph talk about the topic. 
              d) With formal elements like connectors. And also with semantical order. 
          • Practice A
              1) Topic. 
              2) Example. 
              3) Reason. 
              4) Supporting point 1. 
              5) Supporting point 2. 
              6) Supporting point 3 and conclusion. 

              Despite this, for example, it is wild believe that, in addition and but above all.

          c. Topic
              Growth of home ownership
          • Development of ideas
              1) Definition. 
              2) Conclusion. 
              3) Topic. 
              4) Result 3. 
              5) Result 2. 
              6) Result 1. 

              Even, Others and When this. 

          September 20, 2022

             UNIT 3: The Development of a Paragraph

            • Details
                a) The state-of-the-art exercises equipment. 
                b) You can work alone or with the help of a professional personal trainer.
                c) Staff nutrition.
                d) Whirlpool bath or spa.
                e) Exercise in groups.

            • Explanation
                a) That when you have a problem is better to resolve as soon as possible.
                b) Yes.

            • Example
                Even when friends date is a disaster, a couple ca still become good friends.

                Because it is a personal experience that help to explain the topic sentence.

            • Choosing a means of support
                a) With an example. 
                b) With an explanation.
                c) With details.
                d) With an example.
                e) With an explanation.

                d) Why I don't like swimming.
                I don't like swimming as I was very close to death while I was in the water swimming. It was in June and I was with my brother swimming to the buoy at the beach and suddenly, I got stuck with some plants but my brother didn't heard me screaming because I was drawing and it also started to came a lot of jellyfish. But luckily a random man come to my rescue and helped me get to the shore. And because of this traumatic situation is the reason that I don't like to swim so far from the shore. 

            September 21, 2022

            Writings types

              • Example
                  The tings that I can see from my spot of work. I can see a lot of white desk with black chairs. In all the desks there are papers cups of coffee, materials for work, computers, lamps and landlines. I can see also the outdoor through the big windows, that in this case in the day, as they enter a lot of light. There are also a lot of books in the shelves. And finally, I can see a person who seems to be in a hurry. 
              • Explaining
                  The spot that all people know about it an in which there is a lot of fights it is: football. Football is a sport in which they play two teams and they play with a ball. And each team needs to wear a specific outfit.
              • Giving examples
                  Never walk through a surface that is cover by water. Let me tell you an anecdote. For example, this summer I went with my friends to the river, we were looking for some pools and we were walking through  rooks that were covered by water and plants, so because of this combination I step into this and I fell. So because os this I don't like to walk in rocks that are covered by water and plants. 

              September 26, 2022

                UNIT 4: Describing people

                1. Think of a person you know or think of a character you know/ imagine.
                2. Brainstorm ideas (ideal partner?, main character of a TV series? Evil? Brave? You hate him/her?).
                3. Create a point of view. 
                4. Have an idea and SAY something (specific and interesting): Topic sentence
                5. Support idea (supporting ideas). 
                6. Conclude your description (conclude sentence).

                  Piece of advice: Go from GENERAL to SPECIFIC ideas. 

                Now, describe someone... (part 1)

                    The person that I admire is my brother, because of his patience and kindness with me. He is two years older than me, but we have a very close relationship. A lot of people said that we seem similar in appearance, but in my point of view we are not, but we are similar in our character and a lot of times we think and say the same things. Sometimes we have our differences as many brothers have but we can not be more than 2 minutes angry with each other. I admire a lot of things about him, one could be that he is so patient and when I have a problem he tries to calm me down and help me to solve them, and I can trust him to tell me all I want. Also, we love to spend time together, for example we like to have dinner together and watch a movie or a series while we have dinner. And because of this things is why I admire my brother.


                Since I was a child, I admired Lionel Messi, due to I like football and I play it when I can, and he is the reason because I have liked football even now. He grew in a poor moment of his life, and thanks to the football, he has could keep growing more and more, and now is the best football player of the world. The conditions of a poor life to being the best player of the world, are very difficult and it is a very admirable thing that I am sure that nobody could do. Lionel Messi has 8 gold balls, another thing that is really difficult to get. Being the best scorer of the world, being very famous, get your family ahead, and help many children with problems, says a lot about the person who is him. To sum up, Lionel Messi will be my inspiration to keep watching and playing football, although I do not got through the same conditions of life, it is a great act of humanity on his part.


                1.- What place does the writer describe in the paragraph?

                2.- Does the paragraph begin with a topic sentence?

                Copy the topic sentence:

                3.- Does the writer use spatial order to organize the paragraph?

                - What is the order (front to back, bottom to top, near to far, right to left, etc.?)

                - What spatial order words and phrases can you find? Copy them here:

                4.- Does the writer give specific details to help you “see” the place he or she describes? Write three of the details:




                5.- Are there any sentences that are off topic? If your answer is yes, write them here (or mark them on the paragraph if your teacher allows you to write on other students’ work).

                6.- Look for compound sentences. Check to make sure each compound sentence has a comma before the coordinating conjunction. Make a note about any missing commas.

                7.- In your opinion, what is the best feature of this paragraph? In other words, what is this writer’s best writing skill?

                September 27, 2022

                  • Describing paragraphs
                  - Where is the place?
                  - How big is it?
                  - How warm or cold is the place?
                  - How does the place make you feel? why?
                  - What things can you see in the place?
                  - What colours do you see?

                      Music tastes around the world. It seem to be the centre of a little town, and I think it is bug as you can see a lot of people behind the girl with the guitar and there are also some restaurants. The place is cold since all the people are with coats and scarfs. The place makes me feel in calm as I love winter and music.

                  • Process paragraphs
                          Topic sentence: "Brown rice and vegetables is a simple and delicious meal to make".
                          Concluding sentence: "Now you are ready to enjoy your delicious brown rice and vegetables!"

                          1.- Cook the rice
                          2.- Cut the vegetables into one-inch pieces.
                          3.- Heat the oil.
                          4.- Add the vegetables.
                          5.- Stir in the cooked rice.
                          6.- Add salt and pepper.
                          7.- Put the rice and vegetables into a large bowl.

                           First, then, next, after that, now, after, finally.

                  • Ordering sentences
                      How I come to University. First of all, as I come here in the afternoon I eat before I pick the bus and because of the awful schedule I need to be in the bus stop 20 minutes early. Then, when the bus arrive I put my headphones on with some music because it's takes me almost an hour. Finally, when I left the bus I walk more or less 15 minutes to go to the University. And then when I finish all my classes I repeat the last steps to go to my house. So, this is how I go to University.

                  September 28, 2022

                      • Review
                          What I see living next to a park. Through my window I normally see some random people which are having a great time in a boat at the water, and also someones are in the grass under the trees relaxing. Or if they want to make sport they can go for a walk through the paths, and you can see a lot of different types of flowers. So I love this park because you can have a very great time doing all that things.

                      UNIT 5: Opinion paragraphs
                      • An opinion paragraph
                          a) More people should ride bicycles into town. 
                          b) Change the opinion of the readers, because he wants to use less the car and improve our world.
                          c) People should, car traffic in town is terrible, parking places are hard to find, ... (It is a text very personal, he all the time express his opinion). 
                          d) To make more real this text and to convince the people.
                          a) Opinion
                          b) Opinion
                          c) Fact
                          d) Fact
                          e) Opinion
                          f) Fact
                          g) Opinion
                          h) Opinion

                          a) Russia is the biggest country. 
                          b) Smoke can/ may/ might/ could kill you.
                          c) Elephants are going to be endangered.
                          d) Doing sport in the morning make you start the day in a better way. 
                          e) Drink a lot of coffee can make your teeth become yellow. 
                          f) Driving fast is dangerous. 

                      • Modal auxiliaries
                          a) Should
                          b) Can't
                          c) Must
                          d) Could
                          e) Should
                          f) Ought to

                      • Writing an opinion paragraph
                          Smoke could kill you. A lot of people in our country smoke and all know that one day no very far will die because their lungs aren't going to resist more. Nowadays, more and more young children are starting smoking, as if you pass through a park you can see a group of people smoking and feeling that doing this are going to look like they are cool. So we need to make something to make the people quit smoking, because it is true that there are some types of things that help people to stop smoking but it isn't enough. Start smoking is dangerous because is a drug so is better to not start smoking. 

                      October 4, 2022

                            UNIT 6: Comparison/ Constrast paragraphs
                              • Choose a topic
                                   People: Manuel Carrasco and Tom Holland; king and president.
                                   Places: France and Spain.
                                   Things: table and television. 

                                  - Manuel Carrasco and Tom Holland are very different because one is a singer and the other is an actor. Also a king and a president are different due to the king has more power than the president. 
                                  - I don't like pasta so I eat pizza.

                                  In this to pictures I can see a lot of differences. First of all, in the first picture the are two people and they seem to have a very great time but in the second picture it is a girl surrounded by a lot of people but she seem to feel lonely and uncomfortable where she is. Another difference is that in the picture of the left the two people are in a balcony having breakfast while in the picture of the right they are in a bedroom and the girl have a light in her head. 

                              • Comparing and contrasting
                                  a) Having a host family or living in a share flat in a hall during University. 
                                  b) Contrasting, because they use a lot of connectors, and give a lot of opinion details. 

                              October 5, 2022

                                    • Connectors of cause and effect
                                    13.                                                                                                                                      therefore: por lo tanto
                                        a) so
                                        b) because/ since
                                        c) Since
                                        d) . Therefore,
                                        e) because/ since
                                        f) Therefore,

                                    • Similarities
                                        In both pictures we can see two woman, is at the day because of the light, and also we can see that they are posing for the photo and they seem to be very calm. 

                                    • Differences and similarities
                                        The differences that I can see that in the first picture it is a girl doing sport meanwhile in the second picture there are six boys at a party drinking a beer. But it is true that depending of the person they relaxes in different way, so may be in picture one the girl prefer do some yoga to relax and the boys of the second picture prefer to go out and drink to relax. Other differences are that the first picture are in room but the other is taken in the outdoor of somewhere; the girl is wearing sport clothes and the second picture all the boys are wearing the same suit. 

                                    • Comparative and contrastive structures
                                        a) Similar to 
                                        b) Similarly
                                        c) Both (the rivers) and
                                        d) as (modern) as

                                        a) while/ although
                                        b) different from
                                        c) in contrast/ in the other hand/ however
                                        d) not as (quickly) as

                                    • Essay
                                    4. Shouting at a friend versus shouting at your mom.

                                        They are very different ways to calm down when you are angry and one of the usual way is screaming. So you can scream to your friends if make you fell angry or maybe to your mum or whoever you want. 

                                        First of all, if your mum make you feel angry you can scream to her, but you will need to wait for the consequences, because I swear that she is not going to pass that you scream to her. So it could be that when you turn around to go back to your bedroom she will throw you a slipper. So be careful with the tone that you use and the vocabulary.

                                        Secondly, if you shout to a friend I think it will be easily that screaming to your mum, but if they is also mad with you I think they may be slap to you or no talk to you again. I think that all depend of the circumstances and the confidence that you have on him or her. So be careful because you will be alone if you go through life screaming to everyone. 

                                        In conclusion, you can calm down yourself shouting but you need to be careful with the person that you scream and the vocabulary that you use, because you can be alone.

                                    October 10, 2022

                                            • Opinion paragraph: Analysing a Ted Talk
                                            "Do School Kill Creativity?"
                                                 1. What's the topic of the TED talk? What's the main idea? When does the speaker introduce his idea? How? 
                                                     - The beneficial effects of letting creativity enter the school and educational system. The speaker introduce the idea after breaking the ice. 

                                                 2. What are the means of support used by the speaker to convince us that his opinion is right? Provide examples.
                                                     - He uses a lot of example, such as: jokes, humour marks, ... 

                                                 3. What's the speaker's conclusion? How does he "conclude"?
                                                     -  Changing the perspective about what we can learn and how we learn it. 

                                            October 11, 2022

                                                  UNIT 7: Problem / Solution Paragraphs 
                                                    • Problems and solutions
                                                        The main idea is: the current situation of the forest an. 
                                                        The topic sentence is: deforestation is a serious problem because forests and trees aren't just pretty to look at, they do an important job making the earth's environment suitable for life. 

                                                    2. (page 50)
                                                        c) Topic sentence: if you follow the three Rs-reduce, reuse, and recycle.
                                                        d) using both sides of the paper, ...
                                                        e) First paragraph: "Scientist say that if deforestation continues, the world's climate may change, floods may become more common, and animals will die.". Second paragraph: "If you follow the three Rs-reduce, reuse, and recycle."
                                                    • Writing about problems
                                                        a) Air pollution: we are cleaning the planet. 
                                                        b) Traffic: that when there are a lot of traffic is more easy to be an accident. 
                                                        c) Overcrowded classroom: because when they are a lot of people, teachers can focus on the problems of the students. 
                                                        d) Electronic devices.
                                                        e)  Afternoon timetable.

                                                        Electronic devices:
                                                        The problems with electronic devices are: that we are getting more responsible of those machines and we are leaving our personal lives. For example: when we pass through a crosswalk we are always looking to the phone and no warring if a car can crash on. Or it happens also with the social media, so the electronic devices and the social media make us feel crazy. 

                                                        Some solutions that we can take are: when we are passing through a crosswalk don't stay with the mobile phone. Make some challenges and put a goal to see how many time we can stay without the mobile phone. And another solution is not giving the phone to little children because we are making them lazy.

                                                     October 17, 2022

                                                            • Simile: compare two unlike things that something in common (as, like).
                                                            • Metaphor: compare two unlike things but without using as and like.
                                                            • Personification: gives human traits, characteristics or qualities to a non-human subject.
                                                            Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?    
                                                                 Simile: more lovely and more temperate, so long as men can breath"
                                                                 Metaphor: eye of heaven shines, 

                                                            Writing Poems of Comparison
                                                            - Shall I compare thee to a rainbow?
                                                                 Thou art more colourful
                                                                 When they start to rain I appear
                                                                 the sky start to shine and become 

                                                             October 18, 2022

                                                            Judge the following statements
                                                            • I think oranges are fantastic but not at night.
                                                                 This sentence is not appropriate as it doesn't has sense and it isn't catchy. And we can't put an opinion sentence at the top of the paragraph.

                                                            • Rhythmic patterns in modern music have undergone deep transformation in terms of length, stress and adequacy the industry trends; for example, reggae ton rhythms have merged with trap, but also with pop.
                                                                  I don't think this is a very good topic sentence as is too long and the readers might be boring at the middle and also in a topic you can't put examples.
                                                                 Possibles options: "Rhythmic patterns have significantly envolved throughout the years."

                                                            UNIT 7. Problem/Solution Paragraphs
                                                            • Linking problems with solutions
                                                                a) Do less exams, distribute them, better organisation, projects instead of exams. 
                                                                b) Do some activities on your free time, sports, hang out, ... 
                                                                c) Give a better education, and help all the students that want to become a doctor or a nurse. 
                                                                d) Don't stay too much time on the TV, giving a good education, ...

                                                                a) Problems:students could have anxiety, stress, or even depression because of the pressure of the exams. Moreover, there are more subjects so they won't have time to cop everything, so they will stress even more, and they won't have any time to go out with their friends or to spend time with their family.  
                                                                 Solutions: do lees exams, distribute them, have a better organisation, projects instead of exams, do activities that make the students to participate and games that make them memorise the units without them nothing. 
                                                                   Topic sentences: Exams stress must be reduced so students can do more extras activities and have more social life and life better. 

                                                            October 19, 2022
                                                            • Sports
                                                                     - Resistance gains in sports.
                                                                     - Extreme sports and risks.
                                                                     - Volleyball against football.
                                                                     - Discrimination between women and mens in sport. 
                                                                     - The most practised sports. 

                                                                   Discrimination between mens and women in sports:
                                                            - Mapping:

                                                            - Free writing:
                                                                 Nowadays doing sports is something that may people practice and also that love to watch, but it is the same for women and mens? Well, it is true that all can do what they want but they are a little discrimination difference between women and men, and all these differences are because all the people that don't want to do the same for the two. Some examples of discrimination are that the matches of the women are not always too viral as mens, for example they don't make any publicity on TV or sportive women aren't too famous as mens; also they don't have the same salary and it is true that women don't have the same speed and strength as men.

                                                                   1. Expressing your feelings in public is only okay if you are a sensitive individual:
                                                                  This topic sentence is not okay as they show their opinion and in the topic sentence we can't put our opinion. 
                                                                - Correct topic sentence: Expressing your feelings its connection with personality. 

                                                                   2. Rollerblading is one of the most forgotten sports:
                                                                  This topic sentence is correct as they don't show her opinion and give a fact. 

                                                            Exercice 7, page 28
                                                                  This woman looks like she work in an office as she is dressed like an office worker. She is talking with someone with the mobile phone and at the same time she is writing what the person is saying to her. Because of her face I think she is happy, and seems that he is a kind person due to her personality. 


                                                            -Block structure
                                                            LIONS AND JELLYFISH
                                                            Lions and jellyfish are both living creatures.
                                                            Lions, on the one hand, are land animals. they are mammals and carnivore.
                                                            On the other hand, jellyfish are creatures whose natural habitat is seawater.
                                                            LIONS AND JELLYFISH
                                                            Lions and jellyfish are both living creatures. Lions are land animals. In contrast, jellyfish live in hot water. Lions are not fed men, but they are wild creatures. Jellyfish, however, have a similar behaviour but they are detested by swimmers. Regardless of the major features that differentiate both lions and jellyfish, they cause one common feeling in humans: fear.

                                                            -Block structure
                                                            DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN IN SPORTS.
                                                            Women and men are both persons. Women, on the one hand, are less famous in sports, but they some sports that boys don't do. On the other hand, men are more famous and they are normally less flexible, but they have more resistance than women. 
                                                            DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MEN AND WOMEN IN SPORTS.
                                                            Women and men are both persons. Women are more flexibles than men, but men are more strong. Both are omnivores. On the one hand, men are more popular at sports and their sports matches have more spectators, than women matches. On the other hand, the discrimination in women are bigger in the salary because she earn less money than men.

                                                            - PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS
                                                            Car fumes affect the quality of life of rich neighbourhoods.
                                                            The problems that the car fumes make are that they affect to the environment, to the atmosphere and also to our health. Due to this the streets look dirty and smell bad and the rich neighbourhoods would seem less   care. Some solutions that we can make are to use less the cars, and try to stay all clean. 

                                                            October 11, 2022

                                                                  UNIT 8: The Structure of an Essay 
                                                                            Everybody has Windows at home. but what's with windows nowadays? Whereas windows allow for air to pass through the different locations in your house for ventilation purposes, they might be challenging upset individuals to take that step beyond. regardless of what they effect they cause, window could be a good opportunity 
                                                                      • The structure of an essay
                                                                            Introduction: firs paragraph, "If you ask average ...... existing words".
                                                                            Body: African Americans.... corners.
                                                                            Conclusion: last paragraph, English owes .... will be?
                                                                      • Thesis statements
                                                                            Thesis statements: "English vocabulary has also been influenced by other countries and groups of people.  

                                                                            a) There is so much more to eating in the UK.
                                                                         b) As a result of human population growth, deforestation and hunting, the number of koalas has declined. 
                                                                            c)  Creating a Taoist arden is an art. No two Taoist gardens are exactly alike, but all Taoist gardens include four essential elements: water, mountains, buildings and bridges.

                                                                            a) Fact only - weak thesis statement
                                                                            b) No clear opinion
                                                                            c) Fact only
                                                                            d) Strong thesis statement
                                                                            e) No clear opinion
                                                                            f) Strong thesis statement
                                                                            g) No clear opinion
                                                                            h) N
                                                                            i) Fa
                                                                            j) Fact

                                                                      October 26, 2022

                                                                                    Schools in Spain seem like a programming tool for kids to become learned adults. Teachers in primary and secondary school centres train students in the path towards becoming competent professionals in their adult lives. Yet, other than the knowledge necessary to pass the exams successfully, teaching professionals might be lacking the creative side of education. Future lines in pedagogical development might adres the missing points in school, namely creativity and opportunities. 

                                                                                     - The way students are educated by their teachers throughout their early and middle academic stages is a key aspect for what kind of professionals they would become in the future. 

                                                                                    - Having said that, creativity is still part of the umbrella of skills that are missing in classroom practice.

                                                                            Yet: todavía

                                                                                    - During the years the education had being changed and also there are different ways of education, but the purpose of teachers are to help the students to become the best. But one thing that all the teacher forget and it is very important for students is the creative, because they can express their opinion by expressing their creativity. 

                                                                            • Writing a strong thesis statement
                                                                                   a) exercise
                                                                                    - I think that doing exercise is very important because when you do sport you stay healthy and happier.
                                                                                    - I think that doing physical exercise is good when you do it with friends since you can talk and relax while you are training with someone/ in company. 

                                                                                   b) university study
                                                                                    - I think that have university studies are very important for our adult live. 
                                                                                    - I think that people are more stressed than in the high school. 

                                                                                   c) the Internet
                                                                                    - I think that the internet is the most convenient tools for everyone.
                                                                                    - I think that the internet is the tool most useful.  

                                                                                   d) music
                                                                                    - I think that the music is helpful for everyone, because you can relax with it. 

                                                                                    Reading is something that or you like or you dislike, because at school and high school they have forced us to read books that we don't like and because of this a lot os people don't like to read, and they don't know what they are missing. 

                                                                                    The things that I love about reading are that they make me imagine what the is theme of the book, also when I'm stress I love to read because they calm me down and I like to listen to music while I read. 

                                                                            October 31, 2022

                                                                                  • The Paragraph and the Short Essay
                                                                                          - The most interesting is the short essay as they explain more and you can catch better who is Patricio. 

                                                                                          1. What information is included in the short essay introduction that is not in the topic sentence of the paragraph?
                                                                                  - They mention more people of her family not only her uncle Patricio. 

                                                                                          2. Write the topic and controlling idea of body paragraph 1 in your own words?
                                                                                  - Appearance of Patricio. 

                                                                                          3. What new details have been added to body paragraph 1 in the essay?
                                                                                  - The physical appearance of the family. 

                                                                                          4. Write de topic and controlling idea of body paragraph 2 indoor own words. 
                                                                                  Childhood of Patricio. 

                                                                                           5. What additional details have been added to body paragraph 2 in the essay?
                                                                                  - That he went to Siberia to look for gold. 

                                                                                           6. What information is included in the essay conclusion that is not in the concluding sentence of the paragraph?
                                                                                  - That he is a talented musician.

                                                                                  November 2, 2022

                                                                                        UNIT 9: Outlining and Essay 
                                                                                                  I. Houses next to the cemeteries are cheaper
                                                                                                  II. Location: outskirts
                                                                                                     A. Peaceful
                                                                                                     B. Parking space
                                                                                                  III. Aesthetic: gothic style/look
                                                                                                     A. Antiquity
                                                                                                     B. Fan at festivities
                                                                                                        1. Halloween
                                                                                                  IV. Low demand
                                                                                                     A. Superstition
                                                                                                     B. Housing market
                                                                                                     C. Smell
                                                                                            • Looking at an outline
                                                                                                    a) Nuclear power is not a good energy source for the world. 
                                                                                                 b) Three paragraphs: very expensive, nuclear materials are not safe and there is a great possibility of a accidents.  
                                                                                                    c) Two: nuclear fuels are dangerous, nuclear waste products are dangerous. 
                                                                                                    d) Eight: Three Mile Island; Tarapur, India; Darlington, Canada, ... 

                                                                                                I. Thesis statement: English vocabulary has also been influenced by other countries and groups of people
                                                                                                 II: Words introduced by: African Americans
                                                                                                      A. OK
                                                                                                           1. From an African language
                                                                                                           2.Now used all over the world to mean: "all right"
                                                                                                      B. Jazz
                                                                                                           1. Came from the African American musicians living in New Orleans
                                                                                                           2. Exact origin unknown
                                                                                                 III: The meaning of words of sometimes change over time
                                                                                                      A. Cool
                                                                                                           1. Traditional meanings 
                                                                                                           2.New meaning 
                                                                                                      B. Square
                                                                                                           1. Original meaning
                                                                                                           2. New meaning
                                                                                                 IV: African Americans vocabulary: Existing ethnic groups in the United States as well as new immigrants will certainly continue to bring new words to English and give fresh meanings to existing words

                                                                                                    a) S
                                                                                                    b) M
                                                                                                    c)  S
                                                                                                    d) S
                                                                                                    e) M
                                                                                                    f) S
                                                                                                    g) S
                                                                                                    h) S
                                                                                                    i) T
                                                                                                    j) S
                                                                                                    k) C
                                                                                                    l) M
                                                                                                 I. Doing yoga regularly can be good for your mind, your body, and your emotions
                                                                                                 II. Mental benefits 
                                                                                                      A. Develops clear thinking
                                                                                                      B. Improves concentration
                                                                                                 III. Emotional benefits
                                                                                                      A. Reduces fear, anger, and worry
                                                                                                      B. Helps you feel calm and peaceful
                                                                                                      C. Develops self-confident
                                                                                                 IV. Physical benefits
                                                                                                      A. Improves digestion
                                                                                                      B. Make you strong and flexible
                                                                                                      C. Improves blood circulation
                                                                                                 V. Therefore, to build mental, physical, and emotional health, consider doing yoga

                                                                                                November 8, 2022


                                                                                                What should the author add, subtract, or change in this outline?

                                                                                                Regarding organization, main ideas are not ordered logically, it jumps from one point to the next without a reason.

                                                                                                The first main idea is badly divided. The supporting ideas are not organized in a chronological order. In addition, some ideas are more specific than others. About the details, some supportive ideas provide more than others, it should be more equitative.

                                                                                                In the second main idea, supportive ideas are not developed or backed up with details. It is not compensated.

                                                                                                Some points could be deleted such as "many new fast-food restaurants sell cheap hamburgers".

                                                                                                It would be interesting to change the thesis statement for the conclusion.

                                                                                                My life

                                                                                                    I. Life is a long way in which you model yourself by coping with different situations and taking the supposedly correct decisions.

                                                                                                    II. Physical characteristics and personality.
                                                                                                           A. Size, weight, and height
                                                                                                                1. Evolution from being a baby to a teenager
                                                                                                                2. When an adult
                                                                                                           B. Other characteristics.
                                                                                                                1. Hair
                                                                                                                2. Dressing style
                                                                                                           C. Personality
                                                                                                                1. Strengths and weaknesses
                                                                                                                2. Hobbies
                                                                                                    III. Academic development
                                                                                                            A. From Primary to Bachelor Degree
                                                                                                                1. Skills 
                                                                                                                2. Preferences
                                                                                                    V. Life has showed me many different paths in which decisions take a great deal to choose your way to happiness.

                                                                                                November 9, 2022

                                                                                                UNIT 10: Introductions and Conclusions 

                                                                                                          I. Topic sentence
                                                                                                          II. Supporting ideas 
                                                                                                              A. Rhetoric questions
                                                                                                              B. Exclamations
                                                                                                              C. Data
                                                                                                              D. Advance contents
                                                                                                              E. Brief (note)
                                                                                                          III. Thesis Statements 

                                                                                                          - Topic sentence
                                                                                                          - Data
                                                                                                          - Exclamations
                                                                                                          - Advancing the contents
                                                                                                          Rhetoric questions
                                                                                                          - Note
                                                                                                          - Thesis statement

                                                                                                              Nowadays most of the people have a computer, and it is true that having a computer or a laptop can help you to do your homework, and to search some information. Also other things that you can do are talking with someone that are far away by Face-Time. But you need to know how to work with a computer because if you don't know probably it will be very difficult to work with it, and sometimes computers are not as good as we thing. Who don't have a computer?

                                                                                                          MY LIFE
                                                                                                              Mi life is kind a crazy, because I failed many times, but I never give up. And that doesn't make me errase my smile. And it is true that I change a lot during the years, because I grew up a lot. And I thing that from now to when I become an adult I change something of mi personal aspect. Some aspects about my physic are that the week before I have my hair longer that I have now, so I think it is true that I can change a lot during the days, weeks, years, ...  

                                                                                                               a. Weak, because it is the topic sentence and a very brief data.
                                                                                                              b. It is stronger than the one before but still weak, it doesn't shows rhetoric questions or an advance of the contents. is doesn't have a conclusion either.
                                                                                                              c. It is stronger, but there's not an advancing the contents. 
                                                                                                              d. Strong, maybe too much. There is unnecessary information. 
                                                                                                              e. Weak, there's a lack of information: data, rhetoric questions, advancing the contents, ...

                                                                                                              a. 3
                                                                                                              b. 1
                                                                                                              c. 5
                                                                                                              d. 2
                                                                                                              e. 6
                                                                                                              f. 4

                                                                                                          November 14, 2022

                                                                                                          WRITING INTRODUCTIONS

                                                                                                              1. What three things are in an introduction (in order)?

                                                                                                                  The lead, the bridge and the thesis. 

                                                                                                              2. How long is your paragraph?

                                                                                                                  It will depends, but normally 5 sentences

                                                                                                              3. Where does the bridge go in the first paragraph?

                                                                                                                  At the last sentence

                                                                                                              4. What is a lead?

                                                                                                                  A background or a contextualisation

                                                                                                              1. +
                                                                                                              2. 0
                                                                                                              3. 0 
                                                                                                              4. +
                                                                                                              5. 0 
                                                                                                              6. +
                                                                                                              7. 0
                                                                                                              8. +
                                                                                                              9. +

                                                                                                          November 15, 2022

                                                                                                          7. (page 76)
                                                                                                              a) B
                                                                                                              b) A
                                                                                                              c) C

                                                                                                          Extra. Write an introduction for the thesis statement and a conclusion for the topic sentence
                                                                                                             - Thesis statement: "Eating at restaurants broadens our taste repertoire and culinary experiences". 

                                                                                                                  Introduction: A good selection of restaurant can be advantageous. Having different places to eat can break borders and open us to new tastes and experiences. Eating at restaurants broadens our taste repertoire and culinary experiences.

                                                                                                             - Topic sentence: "People might enjoy the variety of menus as they try different restaurants". 

                                                                                                                  Conclusion: People might enjoy the variety of menus as they try different restaurants, because of this it is very important to eat everything. So when you go to a restaurant you would be able to choose anything at the menu and try different dishes of any place in where you are, without panicking at the time of the lunch or dinner.  

                                                                                                          Extra. Write an outline for 5 paragraph of essay of "How do we slow down population growth?"
                                                                                                              I. Population growth will be a problem in a bit of ages.  

                                                                                                              II. Population growth nowadays

                                                                                                              III. Population growth in the past 

                                                                                                              IV. Effects of population growth
                                                                                                                      A. No space
                                                                                                                      B. Not enough food.

                                                                                                              V. Adopting changes to prevent an irreversible population behaviour. 

                                                                                                          November 16, 2022

                                                                                                          UNIT 11: Unity and Coherence
                                                                                                          - Cohesion : use of connectors, adequate vocabulary, linking devices.
                                                                                                          - Coherence : focusing a central idea / topic / axis

                                                                                                              a) Thesis statement : "The philosophy of traditional Chinese medicine is not the same as the philosophy of modern medicine, but it is useful for curing many health problems".
                                                                                                              b) Topic sentence : "Modern medicine focuses on illness"; "Chinese medicine has different philosophy".
                                                                                                              d) The text is very well written because it follow the coherence and cohesion. 

                                                                                                              - I remove the middle paragraph, "Speech reading ... of the deaf". And the part in where he talk about blind people. 

                                                                                                          Topic: "The importance of technology in society".

                                                                                                              I. The importance of technology has change during the years and it is different between the ages of the people

                                                                                                              II. Technologies in the past 
                                                                                                                      A. Black and white television
                                                                                                                      B. Movile phones

                                                                                                              III. Technologies nowadays
                                                                                                                      A. Social networks
                                                                                                                      B. Color TV

                                                                                                              IV. Advantages and disadvantages of technologies
                                                                                                                      A. Advantages 
                                                                                                                      B. Disadvantages


                                                                                                          9. "The importance of technology in society"
                                                                                                              Nowadays we can't live without technologies and we depend on more that we thought. But it is true that the importance of technology has change during the years, and it is different between the ages of the people. 

                                                                                                              First of all, technologies in the past was very different as they are now. Such as the television that it was black and white and was more fat than they are now. Also they didn't have the chance to have their personal phone and talk with someone while they are out of the house. 

                                                                                                              Secondly, nowadays we have advance a little bit more as the televisions are in color and they are thinner. We have our personal phone, computers, laptops, ... so thanks of that we can talk with people that are far away and in where we want. And they had create the social networks that can also help us with communicate. 

                                                                                                              Finally, it is true that technologies 

                                                                                                          November 21, 2022    

                                                                                                          Practice 1. 
                                                                                                              1. The second one, because it justified the the main idea in the whole paragraph.
                                                                                                              2. The first one, because it talk about the biological and religious situations.
                                                                                                             3. The third one, because it talk abut something that is not in the topic (blue is not a good color fro dinnerware, however. Food looks less ...).

                                                                                                              Topic sentence:
                                                                                                                  - Paragraph 1: "Adventure travel is the hot trend in the tourism industry".
                                                                                                                  - Paragraph 2: "Daredevil sports are also becoming popular".

                                                                                                              Sentences out off the topic:
                                                                                                                  - Paragraph 1: "Ordinary people are no longer content spend their two weeks away from the office resting on a sunny beach in Florida".
                                                                                                                  - Paragraph 2: "Soccer is also popular in the United States now, although football is still more popular".

                                                                                                           Where should be divided into two paragraphs each paragraph:
                                                                                                                  - Paragraph 1: When it says "Someday, software, ..."
                                                                                                                  - Paragraph 2: When it says "Meals in United States ...".

                                                                                                              Sentences out off the topic:
                                                                                                                 - Paragraph 1: "His company spends $200 million a year translating software into other languages", "Computer spelling checkers also exist for various languages".
                                                                                                                  - Paragraph 2: "Meals in the United ..., and times of meals may be different", "Idioms are often difficult for newcomers to understand".

                                                                                                          November 22, 2022    

                                                                                                              a. it = Barcelona
                                                                                                              b. It = Barcelona
                                                                                                              c. its = the Barrio Gótico
                                                                                                              d. its = Barcelona
                                                                                                              e. they = the people living in and around Barcelona
                                                                                                              f. there = in Catalonia
                                                                                                              g. this = this reasons

                                                                                                          UNIT 12: Essays For Examinations

                                                                                                          Discuss the Feria of Murcia. 
                                                                                                              The Feria of Murcia is the best festivities that they do in here. it takes place in September, typically beginning on the first and ending the 15th. What you can do here is eating some food, such as waffles, corn, pizza, ... or some drink and this is because you may be are tired of picking up the different attractions. A good fact that has the Feria of Murcia is that it is for all the ages, I mean that you can go for take a walk, or may be for see the ambient or to go out.

                                                                                                          - Explain the use of the remote to switch between channels. 
                                                                                                              First, you need to pick the remote and make sure the remote has batteries.
                                                                                                              Second, you need to press the red Botton at the top. 
                                                                                                              Third, press the guide to access the channel list on the TV.
                                                                                                              Finally, locate the button which can change the channel and put the program that you want. 

                                                                                                          - Show / Describe your spiritual animal.
                                                                                                              My spiritual animal is the horse as I love those animals and I think that they are very loyal. They are big and very elegant and because of this I love them. My uncle had a horse when I was little and I loved to give her food, brushed her hair and also going for a walk with her. As she was a little old we can't go up on her, but I remember that somedays my uncle let us getting up and I believe that because of those moments with that horse is why I love this animal. 

                                                                                                          - Which YouTuber would you prefer to listen to, el xokas or illojuan?
                                                                                                            Positioning yourself with el xokas might be quite risky. Whereas it is true that his philosophical digressions made a few important points for a while, the current government advertising campaign on TV leaves little margin for doubt. I'd rather listen to a hundred more 'you laugh, you lose' videos. 

                                                                                                            Since el xocas has to faces this whole issue with his fake Twitter accounts, I don't trust him and his videos do not make me laugh anymore. On the other hand, I love illojuan and all of his videos make me cry while laughing. I also love his relationship with her girlfriend Masi, and I love seeing them together.  

                                                                                                          November 23, 2022    

                                                                                                          • Answering directly
                                                                                                              If the sentence has a 'WHICH' we need to respond that question the first. And they are letter e and d

                                                                                                              a. incorrect
                                                                                                              b. correct
                                                                                                              c. incorrect
                                                                                                              d. incorrect
                                                                                                              e. incorrect

                                                                                                              a. Some people like to organise their own trips, and others like to travel on a professionally organised tour. Which do you prefer, and why?

                                                                                                          I. Organising our trips
                                                                                                          II. Advantages of organising our own trips
                                                                                                          III. Weak points of organising our owns trips
                                                                                                          IV. My personal thoughts 
                                                                                                          V. Summary of the strengths and weak points of organising our trips and my opinion

                                                                                                              b. Your community is considering building a new shopping centre in the centre town. Do you support or oppose this plan? Give specific reasons in your answer. 

                                                                                                          I. Considering building a new shopping centre in the centre town


                                                                                                          Entradas populares